A Pale View of Hills

Name of the Book: A Pale View of Hills Name of the Author: Kazuo Ishiguro Name of the Publisher: Faber and Faber Number of Pages: 183 A Pale View of Hills was the debut novel of the Nobel Prize Laureate, Kazuo Ishiguro. It is primarily set in Japan post the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It does not deal with the historical intricacies but with the personal lives of the characters: the impact of the war on their lives apart from the personal struggles that each one undergoes separately. The protagonist is a Japanese woman named Etsuko who is living in England but has an over-powering past that keeps seeping through the present. In fact, the reader knows her better only though these flashbacks and can empathize with her consequently especially because she is imporous to even her own family. This is a tale of nost...