Turtles All The Way Down

Name of the book: Turtles All The Way Down Name of the author: John Green Name of the publisher: Penguin Books No. of pages: 286 This book is simply mysterious. It mysteriously binds together the main plot of mystery with the other sub-plots of love, friendship and filial relationships. Aza, the protagonist and the narrator of the novel suffers from bouts of anxiety because of germs that are within and without her; it is fascinating to view the world through her subjective frame as she and her best friend, Daisy become a part of an unsolved mystery voluntarily which propels the novel. Russell Pickets, the fugitive billionaire goes missing and is sought after by the legal authorities desperately; an award of hundred thousand dollars is declared for the person who provides a cue to the mystery. It turns out that Pickets’ sons Davis and Noah were Aza’s childhood playmates. She and Daisy together embark on a journey of love, gloom, mystery and riches. The end c...